Successful Web Strategy in 2022

We hear a lot about AI, machine learning and blockchain. Here are the real things that will help make or break your online marketing strategy this year.

There were a lot of changes in 2020 and 2021. While the world may seem wild, some things don’t change when it comes to rules of online marketing. There's no replacement for having a plan. A solid web strategy is your road map to success in these uncertain times. Keep it simple when it comes to online marketing. Your main challenge is to know where and when you should be present to reach potential customers. To help you stay on course in 2022, we’ve taken the time to address some key trends in online marketing. These insights can help you reach more customers.

Improve Mobile UX

We are in the mobile era. Mobile traffic keeps growing. A responsive website is a must. If not, your mobile traffic will suffer. Responsive design isn’t the only thing required by your mobile visitors. Users still end up frustrated by the slow websites they are visiting. The web keeps evolving but websites kept being slow. Google began supporting AMP (accelerated mobile pages) to help speed up the web. But that's not all, the search engine giant now imposes a mobile penalty for websites that are too slow. You could lose some of your mobile visibility and traffic if your website is too slow to load for mobile users. The transition to fast mobile pages, through the AMP pages or Progressive Web Apps (PWA), is a big trend in 2020.
PWAs offer another key advantage for mobile users. These web applications can run offline. They have a similar operating speed to native applications but they don’t need to be downloaded. This means that the user enjoys a consistent experience online and offline. The great thing about PWAs is that Android and iOS support them.
Many business have improved mobile UX to improve their bottom line. Users reward consistent experiences that are fast and enjoyable. That's the key to e-commerce success. The load time performance of a website is an important factor in mobile user experience. It’s such an important element for Google that slow sites are penalized now.

Omnichannel: Beyond Multi-channel Strategies

A multi-channel strategy is based on the use of multiple digital channels by a brand. The goal is to reach a targeted audience of potential consumers, customers or users. An omnichannel strategy is a kind of evolution of the multi-channel strategy. A multi-channel marketing strategy considers multiple customer touch points happening across multiple channels. The channels may be managed by different teams within the company. This approach often results in fragmented marketing campaigns. It's difficult to provide a coherent customer experience with teams working in silos.
An omnichannel marketing strategy aims to adopt the customer’s perspective. By visualizing the customer journey, you can plan better. Aim to create a consistent customer experience that is relevant across all channels. Omnichannel is an evolution of the multi-channel strategy.
This type of strategy adapts to the customer journey. Customers typically have multiple touch points via different channels. They want to switch from one channel to the next seamless. These expectations require a fluid web strategy from brands. You should be allocating your budget based data analysis. Determining the most efficient channels at each step of the customer journey is key.

Advertising on Instagram

Facebook has become a mainstream social network. A social network as ubiquitous as this cannot remain cool. The death of cool means that the platform is getting older. Facebook’s strongest growth is happening among users 55 years and older. Facing this changing landscape is an opportunity for Instagram to stand out. Developing different features to remain appealing to younger audiences is a smart strategy. The shopping function gives e-commerce companies the ability to tag their products. This is available on publications or stories. There is an outbound link to facilitate shopping from Instagram. Things like these make us declare Instagram a legitimate e-commerce platform in 2020.

Influencer Marketing for SMBs and Startups

Instagram has developed its shopping interface in order to differentiate itself. Influencer marketing is becoming a crowded world for social media platforms. Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube, Twitter, all court online influencers. Influencers developed a habit of using Instagram as a product placement platform. Some used it as a launchpad to start their own brand of products. This makes  Instagram the perfect influencer marketing channel.
The number of brands using influencers is constantly increasing. The ROI of this type of marketing action is still complex to track and quantify. That said, customers prefer influence marketing over repetitive ads. There is a potential downside to this type of marketing.  Studies show the more influential an account becomes, the less it maintains proximity to its audience.  As influencers gain followers, they become less and less relevant for some brands.

Quick tip for small and medium businesses:

You should rely on niche influencers. Nano influencers or local influencers have less followers are not famous. The general public may not know them but they rule their respective niches. Everyone online knows their name in their little slice of internet. This allows you to target specific audiences while keeping your budget low and your ROI high.

Branding is an SEO Asset

Branding is everything to some entrepreneurs on the web. In recent years, it’s been clear that brands are key to revenues. According to a Nielsen study, 60% of consumers say they prefer to buy from brands that are familiar to them. The trust factor is an element that will help you stand out in search engine results. It will also likely increase your CTR in search results. Ranking is important but users are savvy when they search online. People prefer to get their information or products from sources they trust. As a result, brand is an important element for SEO experts in 2022.

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